Developmental Therapy
Nurturing growth for every milestoneWhat is Developmental Therapy?
Developmental Therapy supports a young child’s ability to learn and interact with others in their home and community. Developmental Therapists assess your child’s abilities, create goals to address areas of need, and implement play-based treatment to support your child across all areas of development. These areas of development include social-emotional, cognitive, language and communication, fine and gross motor skills, and self-help skills. Developmental Therapy sessions are play-based, family-centered, and individualized for your child’s needs. Allied Therapy currently offers Developmental Therapy in a variety of settings including the child’s home, daycare, clinics, and other natural environments.
What are Developmental Milestones?
Developmental milestones are expected checkpoints in your child’s development as he or she grows. Rolling over, crawling, standing, walking and talking are considered developmental milestones and provide important information regarding your child’s development. These milestones are skills and behaviors that emerge over time to form the building blocks for growth and continued learning.
Categories of developmental milestones include:
- Cognition: Thinking, reasoning, problem-solving, understanding
- Motor coordination: Gross/fine motor skills, jumping, hopping, throwing/catching, drawing, stacking
- Social interaction: Initiating peer contact, group play
- Adaptive: Dressing, eating, washing

What are the Different Developmental Milestone Stages?
Developmental Milestones: 0-3 Months
- While lying on tummy, pushes up on arms
- While lying on tummy, lifts and holds head up
- Moves legs and arms off of surface when excited
- While lying on back, attempts to reach for a toy held above their chest
- While lying on back, visually tracks a moving toy from side to side
- While lying on back, keeps head centered to watch faces or toys
- Open and closes hands
- Brings hands to mouth
- Calms with rocking, touching, and gentle sounds
- Enjoys a variety of movements
- Quiets or smiles in response to sound or voice
- Orients head towards sound or voice
- Shows interest in faces and makes eye contact
- Expresses needs with different cries
- Coos and smiles
- Sucks and swallows well during feeding
Developmental Milestones: 4-6 Months
- Beginning to sit using hands to prop
- Rolls from back to tummy and tummy to back
- Accepts weight on feet and legs when supported to stand
- Reaches for toys while on tummy and back
- Brings hands and toys to mouth
- Transfers small toys/objects between hands
- Beginning consonant babbling
- Enjoys toys that makes sounds
- Responds to familiar voices
- Beginning to eat cereal and pureed foods
- Generally happy when not hungry or tired
- Easily calmed by cuddling or caregiver’s touch
Developmental Milestones: 7-9 Months
- Sits without support
- Reaches for toys in sitting without falling
- Gets into sitting independently
- Emerging crawling abilities
- Picks up small objects with thumbs and fingers
- Beginning to imitate others in simple play
- Investigates toys of different sizes and textures
- Uses simple gestures
- Responds to name
- Beginning two-way participation
Developmental Milestones: 10-12 Months
- Pulls to stand and cruises along furniture
- Stands alone and may take several independent steps
- Claps hands
- Easily opens hands to release object
- Uses thumb and pointer finger to pick up tiny objects
- Explores toys with hands, fingers, and mouth
- Responds to simple directions
- Says 1-2 words
- Responds to “no”
- Self-feeds
- Enjoys a variety of foods
- Enjoys interacting with others
Developmental Milestones: 13-18 Months
- Walks independently
- Squats and returns to standing without loss of balance
- Stacks two objects or blocks
- Helps with dressing/undressing
- Drinks from a cup
- Eats a variety of foods
- Understands 50 words
- Identifies 1-2 body parts
- Consistently follows simple directions
- Enjoys playing with a variety of people and toys
- Maintains eye contact during play and conversation
Developmental Milestones: 19-24 Months
- Jumps up and down
- Climbs stairs and on/off furniture
- Kicks a ball
- Sorts shapes and colors
- Uses crayons or markers to scribble
- Understands new words quickly
- Enjoys listening to stories
- Quickly expanding vocabulary
- Follows 2-step directions
Developmental Milestones: 2-3 Years
- Uses 2-3 word phrases
- 50% of speech is easily understood by caregivers
- Understands simple sentences
- Understands “mine” and “yours”
- Asks “what” and “where” questions
- Able to play with small groups of children
- Enjoys exploring new environments
- Beginning ball skills (throwing and catching with some accuracy)
Developmental Milestones: 4-6 Years
- Initiates play with children of similar ages
- Maintains eye contact during conversation and play
- Enjoys a variety of movements (swing, slide, jumping, etc.)’
- Developing higher level coordination skills (ball play, climbing, bike riding, etc.)
- Able to play with one toy or game for 15 minutes at a time
- Beginning to draw different shapes
- Uses appropriate force when playing with peers or pets
- Easily tolerates different textures and environments
- Able to cope with unexpected change